Monday, July 30, 2018

P-Flap Failure

The pharyngeal flap ("p-flap") surgery that Henry underwent a couple of weeks ago apparently came undone, or "dehisced." The surgery had aimed to transfer muscle tissue from the back of his throat (pharynx) to his palate in order to narrow the opening to his nasal passages. Sutures meant to hold the tissue in place unraveled, and now his speech is even more hampered than before. The prospect of still more surgery this year was a surprise and disappointment.

It was heartbreaking to watch Henry process this news, particularly with some strangers including a medical resident and a first year medical student in the examination room at the time.  But he handled it well.  

It doesn't appear that simply redoing the p-flap is an option.  At any rate, we'll first have to let the tissue in the area heal for a minimum of about 6 weeks. This means Henry will soon start his 6th grade school year at a new school (middle school) with some serious speech issues much more pronounced than usual. Probably the quickest we could return to the hospital for a repair would be Thanksgiving break in November.

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